Saturday, June 4, 2011

paula creamer pics

paula creamer pics. HQ Paula Creamer Pictures
  • HQ Paula Creamer Pictures

  • Dysfnctnl85
    Jun 17, 02:26 PM
    Excellent work :apple:

    all videos free :) just downloading a few now. :D

    This is effing awesome. Thank you Apple.

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer during Round 1
  • Paula Creamer during Round 1

  • Hans Brix
    Feb 22, 10:36 PM
    All companies mark up the price on RAM upgrades.

    paula creamer pics. paula creamer twitter
  • paula creamer twitter

  • tech4all
    Oct 7, 02:17 PM
    I'm doing a website that will have some Flash animation in it. Is there a way to have it to where the browser can be checked to see if it has the Flash Player to view the Flash animation, then if it doesn't have it, a JPEG or GIF of the same dimensions as the Flash animation will be put in it's place?

    Any help is appreciated :)

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer Smiles at
  • Paula Creamer Smiles at

  • waw74
    Apr 24, 03:38 PM
    your post is confusing.
    you say it worked fine, but then it sounds like your upset it doesn't have audio.

    what mac do you have?
    how to hook it up depends on what kind, and how old it is.

    if you're not sure how old it is, go to the :apple: menu, about this mac, more info.
    then on the the main hardware page, there is a Model Identifier should say something followed by a couple numbers, like "Macmini4,1"
    give us that, and we can tell you what you need.


    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer demonstrates
  • Paula Creamer demonstrates

  • Bonch
    Nov 30, 08:59 PM
    Just turn it into another meth lab. Problem solved.

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer Golf Babe
  • Paula Creamer Golf Babe

  • matteusclement
    Mar 24, 12:30 AM
    If you do a little bit of searing, you can see some pretty cool videos by people using nothing but iPhones, especially the iphone4.
    Has anyone here played with the iPhone 4 to do some videos?
    I have bought some stuff on eBay such as a wide angle lens and macro lens to play with. I am having a hell of a time trying to find a 15ft or longer 3ring cable extension to attach a external mic to. But once I have that, I'll use another eBay toy to mount it on a small tripod.
    Some might wonder why I am bothring with the iPhone as a video tool, but the fact that I can carry a HD camera kit in my shoulder bag is too convenient not to try.
    I'll be using it do interviews and creative work.

    More to come.


    paula creamer pics. HEUPELPaula Creamer says
  • HEUPELPaula Creamer says

  • boom-boom
    Oct 17, 04:26 PM
    I don't understand the time frames they were talking about! My computer turns on 10 mins before I arrive. When I get there and walk into my office the lights turn on and when I leave they turn off!

    iSync will sync up all your devices, but it won't do it behind your back!

    When we have a video conference the camera moves to the person who is talking but does not take over. It has the inititial person on the main screen and when someone else starts to speak it becomes picture in picture!

    What the F are they talking about 3-5 years - IT IS ALREADY HERE AND IT IS ON THE MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. The screen is only about 15K!

    paula creamer pics. paula creamer photo 55
  • paula creamer photo 55

  • Cox Orange
    Apr 15, 01:39 PM
    Thanks to both of you.

    to get your VHS source onto your computer it would have to be digitized first. So either you digitized the video or someone did it for you. How this was done determines the base quality of your DIGITAL source. It can't be better than your source, but it can be converted to a more useful or less useful digital format (h.264 = more / mpeg2 = less for example).

    Ah, I'm stupid. Actually I knew this, do not know how I forgot it when explaining what I am asking. I forgot that I know, that it is the hooked up hardware that changes the source from analogue to digital. Why else should I use this type of thing here called "A/D-converter". (Btw, the A/D-converter I am using is ADVC-300 via firewire and some times EyeTV250 via USB).
    I can't explain to myself why I mixed up the hardware's job with what the software does. :o:confused:

    it seems your asking how imovie handles video import for various versions.
    Yes, that's it.
    ...but i can tell your quoting some rather old versions ...
    I am using Vers. 3 and 5, because I have two PPC-Macs, that I possess for a long time, but never had any need to use iMovie before. I use my Macs 5-6 years (from the day on they were bought). The next buy (first Intel) is actually due, but I am still procrastinating it, but decided to start saving my VHS to an external disk better now then later and so I use my PPC-Macs with the old versions of iMovie they came with.

    Noise filtering would be a filter...that's a post process.... - in the software not the hardware, ok.

    Have no idea what a "line time base" is.
    ah, baseline time correction was the word I was searching for. ADVC uses TBC, EyeTV not. I thought Maybe iMovie does this too, on the fly.

    In iMovieHD 5 you can choose that it saves the incoming material as mpeg4. I do not mean the converting to mpeg4 or whatever type after editing (chopping parts in between and all that stuff).
    I thought the ADVC-300 changes the analogue one to DV and iMovie puts it in mpeg4.
    After that I would cut/edit the film and convert it to h.264.
    I choose to let iMovie5 record as DV, because I could not see the sense in capturing it as mpeg4, when I plan to convert it to h.264 afterwords.

    If you've got your VCR hooked up to a DV camcorder and the DV camcorder attached to your Mac via Firewire, you can think of capturing it in iMovie as a file transfer. The camcorder is encoding the VCR's output to standard PAL DV, and your Mac is just recording that data.

    If you try to do any colour correction or what have you in iMovie, a different engine in different versions might result in different quality. But these versions are so old I don't think you'll find much comparison online — probably best to just suck it and see.

    Ok, thanks.

    I am assuming this now, (right?): If I plan to save the films on an external disk and convert them to h.264 later, it does not affect the quality, if I use DV coming from iMovie2 or 5.
    1. capture VHS in iMovie
    2. save them to disk
    3. forget about them
    4. buy an Intel-Mac at the end of the year (because I do not want my PPC spend nights with converting DV to h.264
    5. open DV file on external disk in mpegstreamclip(converter-app) on new Intel Mac, choose "convert to h.264", setting bitrate and everything I like.

    It does not matter if iMovie2 saved it as DV or iMovie5 saved it as DV, right?

    PS: I know, me using an ADVC-300 after my questions, sounds like a kid with one guitar lesson playing a Gibson guitar. :)


    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer Jane Park of the
  • Paula Creamer Jane Park of the

  • Chaszmyr
    Oct 25, 11:30 PM
    30'' would suck... the resolution just wouldnt be there. Just for example: Samsung makes a 30'' LCD TV that can be used as a computer monitor, but its max resolution is 1024x768. A 30'' with good resolution would cost a frickin fortune... 10 thousand or more

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer was born on
  • Paula Creamer was born on

  • Bernard SG
    May 6, 09:58 AM
    I have a 3 years 21" and I still give it a 8/10.
    So a 2011 Sandy bridge at the same price point? Hell, yeah!


    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer wallpapers
  • Paula Creamer wallpapers

  • bedifferent
    Mar 13, 02:29 PM
    Wondering if anyone has found the side bar icons and system folders, etc in Lion. In /System/Library/CoreServices/ I found png's for sidebar icons in sizes 16/18/32 (most likely small/medium/large?). I replaced them with custom color icons I created as I hate the grey sidebar icons but it didn't seem to take (I was able to replace a lot of the system icons manually).

    Any idea's?

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer Sunglasses
  • Paula Creamer Sunglasses

  • daryliow
    Jun 23, 09:47 AM
    Has anyone asked how many handsets o2 have?


    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer Sundog
  • Paula Creamer Sundog

  • Eso
    Apr 10, 02:28 PM
    You mean do I respond to overblown media hysteria and people who don't really understand how cell phones work? No, not really.

    You may understand how cell phones work, but do you understand how the bumper works?

    paula creamer pics. paula creamer golf
  • paula creamer golf

  • iTeen
    Jun 21, 09:08 PM
    Wait what now?

    Why can't you just buy it yourself?


    paula creamer pics. Exclusive: Paula Creamer
  • Exclusive: Paula Creamer

  • iLucas
    Apr 13, 10:53 PM
    Hello all, I have recently received a iMac G5 for very cheap, I tested the machine and i have no display. The first 2 LEDS come on and the third does not. i believe the issue with it is blown capacitors, although im not 100% on this. I have never dealt with a capacitor issue so i'd figure i'd ask if that really is the problem, so it can be fixed. Heres an image of my iMac
    Are the ones on the left needing replaced? Theres about 15 in the machine that look similiar, and few that look like whats on the right.
    If this is indeed my problem, where could i get the capacitors that i need?

    paula creamer pics. Paula Creamer
  • Paula Creamer

  • blevins321
    Apr 3, 12:05 AM
    HAHA @ your blackout preparation. Install Find my iPhone on the DD's iPhone and program your info into it.


    paula creamer pics. paula creamer shoes
  • paula creamer shoes

  • wdlove
    Sep 22, 02:18 PM
    I think that the 20" iMac is very nice. Have heard many positive reviews about the iMac and this model in particular. Should handle your programs very nicely. I would recommend getting extra RAM if its affordable.

    paula creamer pics. paula creamer md lpga
  • paula creamer md lpga

  • LarryC
    Apr 25, 11:21 PM
    2011 Mac Mini and MacBook Coming Soon; Supply Shortages Hit European Apple Stores (Updated)

    paula creamer pics. paula creamer lpga pose6 jpg
  • paula creamer lpga pose6 jpg

  • Blu101
    Oct 16, 05:15 PM

    I think what happened was I deleted the photo after I had set it as the desktop, realized the oops moment and re-downloaded it, but since I deleted the original and didn't re-do the "set as desktop" with the second one, it went back to default on restart. Makes sense to me, and that's what I'm going with lol

    Mar 17, 04:28 PM
    Actually, it would be, "I stills gots me nine mores," because 3 others are also estranged.

    I also think he refuses to acknowledge that the "estranged" exist, if I remember the Louis Theroux documentary correctly.

    Sep 9, 06:28 AM
    ...What's the most inappropriate act to be on stage at an Apple keynote?...
    The Chairman of Sony at last years WWDC? What was the point?

    I�ve not seen anyone comment on it, so it might just be me, but anyone else find Gold Diggar sexist?

    Feb 16, 03:00 PM
    Yeah, that's it. The comments in the extensionroom seemed to claim that TBP had exactly the same features, but was less buggy. I guess they were wrong.

    The only part of it I use is the forcing of new windows to open as new tabs instead, so there wasn't any visible difference to me.

    On Windows, but not Mac, I've seen some bugginess with TBE where it will sometimes fail to implement its prefs correctly on startup, so that close buttons aren't where they're supposed to be, single-window-mode doesn't work, etc, and restarting FF is required. I don't think I've seen this on my Mac. I'm not sure to be honest, though, how true all this is. The last time I tried TBP, it did not have all the features TBE did.

    But when I was talking about accidentally getting TBP, I was wondering if the OP might have done that, and thought TBE was missing a lot of prefs on the Mac. But unlikely. :)

    Mar 9, 09:45 AM
    lol, who said the page file hack is no longer needed? Like a fool, I believed that comment and did the upgrade and re-jailbreak.

    Yes, you no longer need the page file hack....if you enjoy going back to watching your tabs reload because iOS shut down your browser to provide memory to another app.

    Can somebody please tell me that the page file hack still works on 4.2.1.

    This things is basically useless to me without it.

    May 3, 10:36 AM
    And to quote Phoney from a previous thread:

    retainCount is often not useful for debugging memory leaks. There are too many objects that work behind the scenes that retain objects and there are also cases where an object is both retained and autoreleased to control the lifetime of the object. It's difficult or impossible to understand all these cases because you don't see all the code.

    What you should do is learn the memory management rules. Then use them correctly. Then use build and analyze and the leaks tool to find problems.

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